Web Links by John J. Weikel II

Houses, Homebuying & Real Estate Information Links Nationwide (USA) search for homes, mortgage loan calculators, shop for mortgage rates, consumer protection laws, glossary and more.

Modern Real Estate Practice Links Updated Modern Real Estate Practice is the official text of A-Pass-Weikel Institute's Course 100AB. This page contains an updated version of the links found in the text. The links are in alphabetical order by agency/organization.

Government Information Links: National, State & Local Official web sties for the United States of America, includes all states, many cities and many counties.

International Marketing Links Country Fact Sheets, Country Commercial Guides, Market Information by Country & Sector, World Trade Centers Association Directory, World Trade Organization, Data links from UN, EU, UK, USA, Canada, & Australia.

A-Pass-Weikel Institute Kentucky's Largest Real Estate School.

Email: info@apassweikel.com